RecipesApr 16, 2024

Lavender Cream Soda

Enjoy an herbal take on a soda fountain classic! The Vanilla and our Regenerative Organic Certified® Lavender extract come together perfectly in this irresistible recipe. Upon first sip, you’ll get fizzy bubbles and a sweet Vanilla taste – quickly followed by a floral Lavender finish.


Serves 1

Simple Syrup:

¼ cup organic sugar

¼ cup water

Remaining Drink:

1 cup sparkling water

1 tsp simple syrup

¼ tsp Vanilla extract

0.7 ml Herb Pharm Lavender liquid herbal extract


  1. Make simple syrup by combining equal parts sugar and water in a small pan on medium-high heat.
  2. Stir until sugar is dissolved and immediately remove from heat to cool.
  3. Combine Vanilla and 1 tsp of cooled simple syrup (or to taste) in a glass and refrigerate the rest of the syrup for another use.
  4. Add 1 serving of Lavender extract.
  5. Top with sparkling water.
  6. Sip and enjoy!


Use the remaining syrup to make extra servings for friends or save it for another recipe, like our Blueberry-Ginger Lime Soda. Simple syrup lasts for about a month in the fridge.

One squeeze of the dropper equals 0.7 ml; provides approximately 1 serving of Herb Pharm liquid herbal extract.